1. Regarding the application of the CB test certificate, the following points should be noted:
a. The application for the CB test certificate can be submitted by the applicant to any "certification/approval" NCB covering the product range;
b. The applicant can be either a manufacturer or an entity authorized to represent the manufacturer;
c. The application may include one or more factories producing products in one or more countries.
d. Applicants/manufacturers/factories located in countries without IECEE member institutions are required to pay an additional fee of 150 Swiss francs per CB test certificate to compensate for the operating cost of the system. Charged, and will be credited to the IECEE account.
e. The applicant can request NCB to test the product according to the country difference of the country where the product is sold.
2. Manufacturers to obtain product certification in the target market include the following procedures:
a. Submit an application to the NCB of the target country;
b. CB test certificate;
c. CB test report (may include country differences);
d. When required by the NCB of the target market, provide product samples to it;
The purpose of requesting samples is to confirm that the product is consistent with the product that was originally certified by the NCB test, and has covered national differences.
3. National differences National differences are the differences between a country’s standards or regulations and corresponding international standards. All national differences in countries that have joined the CB system are submitted to the IECEE secretariat and published in the CB bulletin.