The 1995/5/EC directive has been implemented for many years, and existing products cannot be satisfied in many places. In fact, the EU started drafting new directives as early as 2007, but the progress was not so fast, so it submitted another draft to the European Commission in 2011, and finally on May 22, 2014, the EU officially announced the new version of the wireless directive RED In 2014/53/EU, the directive was written based on the new EU CE certification framework resolution 768/2008/EC. RED 2014/53/EU replaced the original EU wireless directive R&TTE 1995/5/EC. Since the official announcement of the new EU directive and its entry into force, there are two years of excessive time. From June 13, 2016, the original R&TTE directive 1995/5/EC will be abolished, and products that have been evaluated according to the old directive can continue to be sold June 13, 2017. After June 13, 2017, the EU market will only allow the sale of wireless devices evaluated under the new directive RED 2014/53/EU. The purpose of the new directive is to clarify the scope of spectrum use, improve the effectiveness of spectrum use, and make it easier for member countries to implement regulations and conduct market monitoring.
Before wireless products can be legally sold in EU countries, they must be tested in accordance with the RED directive to obtain approval. At the same time, you must also have a CE-MARK. Wireless remote control products must meet the requirements of the RED Directive 2014/53/EU.